Sunday, March 16, 2008

When time gets ahead of you

Today involved some heavy lifting. The Madame of the house had her watch give up on her and having spend quite a fortune acquiring it for aesthetic purposes, she saw the need to go through the trouble in getting it fixed. So I followed her, went around a bit, patronize a few watch shops, got disappointed, decided to fix it ourselves, went to the dollar store - got ourselves a set of tools, went to superstore, bought the battery, took the watch apart (mind you, in the middle of Superstore!), affixed the battery, realized the watch still refused to work, checked the old battery, realized she got the wrong battery, tried inserting a one cent coin to give the battery a firmer connection with the mili-circuit, failed! Tried paper, failed! Decided to go to a watch shop instead, stopped by Grand and Toy (She has spoken: 'It is The Source LAH! Not Grand and Toy!) okay lah... bought a new battery, realized we lost one of the screws of the watch, took it apart, out with the 'old' in with the new, it did not work, banged it a few times, it worked! got scolded for fixing the watch on the floor in the middle of the shop and hence obstructing potential customers (To which I pointed out that I just bought a battery from the shop) Watched fixed! - And our madame savored all the full three hours of work she put into the watch. It was, a pretty nifty little thing! It could measure your heart rate and the work rate of your heart with pin point accuracy. So when my reading came up to 256BMP! and 96 per cent heart work rate. I was pretty darn surprise I was still alive and standing. Harpreet did better, 365 BMP!

By then it was pretty clear that there was a morale of the story. Do not get anything off Craig's list just because it saves you 50 bucks. It really aint worth it.


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