Saturday, April 12, 2008


It's officially the end of the semester, and exams are up. Although I used to be vexed during this period in past years, there is a certain sense of calm this time round. It began, I belief with the realization that there is only so much one can study or for that matter, attain a certain grade due to the aforementioned effect. Furthermore, the grades from the term papers and mid terms came back, and I'm pretty happy with all of it. I guess knowing that, sort of takes the steam out of the whole equation.

That said, we are also getting ready to move out. Harpreet and the rest of the gang have been frantically looking for a place to put up. It is kinda sad moving out and going our separate ways (not to that effect), but I guess sometimes it works out that way for everyone. The new arrangements will benefit us in one way or another and in the long run, only will we realize how much we've missed without each other's company. However, this whole time has been a great experience, though it was far from rosy, but at least I've know realized how difficult and complicated it can get living with individuals other than your own family members. It takes a shit lot of tolerance on your part, and also on the part of your room mates. I guess I've come to realize it's not just about oneself in life, one has to take into account the aspirations and attitudes of the people around you, for things to work out. I'm glad we've met with some measure of 'working out'.


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